Developing Perwira’s Knowledge, Elnusa Petrofin Held Sharing Session “Introduction of Drilling Fluid for Non Technical Purposes”

Elnusa Petrofin through the Chemical RnD Laboratory function held a Sharing Session aimed at Petrofin and Elnusa officers across functions from Marketing, Human Capital, Legal, and HSSE. The Sharing Session was held on February 15 and 16, 2024 directly at the Drilling Fluid Lab, Sentul.

This Sharing Session was held to broaden the Officers’ knowledge of the overall Chemical business process. Starting from the preparation of drilling operations related to Drilling Fluid, to the realization of work at the drilling site. The material was delivered by Erwin Ariyanto as Technical Expert of Mud Engineer and Estiana Retno as Head of RnD Laboratory.

On the first day, participants were given theoretical learning about the Drilling Fluid business, which was followed by several Supporting functions. Interactive discussions enabled the Supporting functions to gain insights and opportunities related to the Drilling Fluid business. The second day continued with a laboratory tour and hands-on laboratory practice. Through this laboratory session, it is expected that the Supporting function can gain practical experience on the preparation of Drilling Fluid for drilling operations on a laboratory scale.

This sharing session is expected to provide an understanding to the Supporting function to understand the role of each function in the Chemical business process. Not only that, a deep understanding of business processes is expected to be the first step to continue expanding Elnusa Petrofin’s Chemical business.