Joint Operation & Infrastructure

Also maintain energy security for the country with Integrated Energy Storage Solution services that prioritize security, safety and excellence, among others:

1. Fuel Storage Solution

DPPU Lampung

Avtur Storage Service

PT Elnusa Petrofin has an Autotron Fuel Storage & Refueling (DPPU) management service that serves the process of receiving, storing and distributing Avtur fuel for aircraft at many airports throughout Indonesia.



PT Elnusa Petrofin owns and operates several gas stations (Refueling Stations) in Indonesia to meet the needs of Fuel & Speciality Fuel for indonesian.

2. LPG Storage Services

LPG Storage Service

PT Elnusa Petrofin has owned & operated LPG Storage services to support Pertamina considering of Elpiji requirement for community needs. The location is in Amurang South Minahasa, North Sulawesi. Our services include the storage & distribution of LPG.


PT Elnusa Petrofin owns and operates several SPBE (Elpiji Bulk Filling Stations) that serve LPG storage and charging for the needs of the Indonesian.

3. Metering System Service

Metering Station (3)
Metering Station (2)

This service is a commitment of PT Elnusa Petrofin to find solutions for oil & gas industry. The metering system of PT Elnusa Petrofin is supported by an online stock monitoring system that allows monitoring available stocks in real-time accurate terrain. These services include procurement of goods, maintenance, calibration, and accuracy of ATG (Automatic Tank Gauging) performance.

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