Continue to Develop Excellent Driver Potential, Elnusa Petrofin Held Fuel-Tank Driver (AMT) Promotion Trial

Elnusa Petrofin (EPN) through the HSSE Department held a Fuel Tank Driver (AMT) Promotion Trial at Integrated Terminal Palembang, South Sumatra. The Trial Promotion of AMT 2 to AMT 1 with the latest requirements. The trial program took place on 24-25 January 2024 and was attended by representatives from HSSE Pertamina Patra Niaga, HSSE Elnusa Petrofin, and the National Transportation Safety Committee (KNKT).

The event was also attended by Sigit Prasetyo as Pertamina Patra Niaga Manager, Channel & Fleet Safety, Achmad Surya Karbala, Sr Analyst II Channel & Fleet Safety, Achmad Wildan, Plt. Chairman of the KNKT LLAJ Sub Committee, Palka Adripta, Acting. Senior Manager HSSE Elnusa Petrofin, Ilhamuddin, Pjs. Elnusa Petrofin HSSE Operation Manager, I Ketut Sukariawan, Transportation Operation Area III Manager, along with the Central HSSE team and EPN IT Palembang Team.

This Trial Promotion of AMT 2 to AMT 1 is the first innovative step involving HSSE Elnusa Petrofin and HSSE Pertamina Patra Niaga by cooperating with an external party, KNKT. The purpose of this program is to accelerate the AMT promotion process through 5 critical stages, namely the Administration Stage, Interview Stage, Test On The Road Stage, Induction Stage, and Orientation Stage. The duration of the promotion program is assessed within the next three months, from 24 January to 24 April 2024. The final assessment will determine whether or not the AMTs who take part in this program pass.

In this activity, there were 5 participants who underwent trials. All of them successfully passed the administration, interview, and road test stages with an average test score of 95. This activity received positive appreciation from HSSE Pertamina Patra Niaga and KNKT. It is hoped that the success of this activity can be used as a model that can be applied at all Pertamina Patra Niaga locations to strengthen the AMT promotion program in the future.

Hopefully, the success of this activity can be used as a model that can be applied at all Pertamina Patra Niaga locations including the Elnusa Petrofin location to strengthen the AMT promotion program in the future so that it can produce AMTs who have competence both in terms of knowledge and skills in safe driving.